Jewson Price Increase May 2023


Dear Customer,

Given the current market conditions we know how important it is that you are provided with advanced notice of any significant price changes. We are therefore advising you of some price increases on products that are planned to come into effect on May 1st 2023.

As always, we are working hard behind the scenes with our suppliers to minimise all increases, but we wanted to let you know the current projected increases to allow you to plan accordingly. 

Please note, the below increases do not apply to all products or suppliers within the categories and only highlight the
most relevant price increases. 


Building Chemicals, Sealants and Adhesives - Up to 1% 


Aggregates Blocks – 12.5%

Aerated Blocks - Up to 8%

C24 Carcassing 3% 

CLS 3% 

Roofing Batten 3% 

PSE / Mouldings 4% 

Casings & Linings 4% 

Why we’re increasing our prices. 

The largest reasons noted by our suppliers for the above increases are the ongoing inflationary cost pressures in producing and distributing the products they sell. These cost pressures include inflation on raw materials, energy costs and salaries. 

Yours Sincerely, 


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